19" Rak Gunung 2U Parallel Power Inverter 110/220V DC Ka 220V AC 3KVA Parallel Inverter
BWT-DT2000 inverter paralel dirancang husus pikeun aplikasi reliabiliti jeung ongkos-éféktif. & catu daya kaamanan tinggi. Éta ngagunakeun pinuh (listrik) téhnologi inverter isolasi pikeun ngarobah arus langsung kana kualitas luhur murni sinusoida arus bolak-balik (RU Chassis),Rak Gunung tipe gampang dipasang dina kabinet.

It has the advantages of simple operation, noise low,, no pollution, real-time data acquisition and remote communication, provides convenience to the users of the system to implement network management and remote monitoring. The inverter is not only suitable for Power and communication field, but also suitable for other places where requirement of high quality power supply.

The Pure sine inverter can provide stable and Pure sine (RU Chassis) kakuatan; Provides an optional output voltage and frequency source for the where needs of sensitive equipment that must be operated in a commercial location.
This parallel inverter, our conventional models are 110v&220v, 1-90kva, choose the model that suits you, OEM
Rak Gunung Telecom Inverter telecom kakuatan inverter
AC dipeunteun ayeuna kaluaran
Rak Gunung Telecom Inverter telecom kakuatan inverter
AC dipeunteun ayeuna kaluaran
BWT110 / 220-1KVAS
4.55Temp.Control Speed Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran
BWT220 / 220-1KVAS
4.55Temp.Control Speed Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran
BWT110 / 220-2KVAS
9.1Temp.Control Speed Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran
BWT220 / 220-2KVAS
9.1Temp.Control Speed Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran
BWT110 / 220-3KVAS
13.6Temp.Control Speed Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran
BWT220 / 220-3KVAS
13.6Temp.Control Speed Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran
BWT110 / 220-5KVAS
22.7Temp.Control Speed Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran
BWT220 / 220-5KVAS
22.7Temp.Control Speed Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran
BWT110 / 220-6KVAS
27.3Temp.Control Speed Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran
BWT220 / 220-6KVAS
27.3Temp.Control Speed Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran
Henteu sayogi
BWT220 / 220-8KVAS
36.3Temp.Control Speed Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran
Henteu sayogi
BWT220 / 220-10KVAS
45.5Temp.Control Speed Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran