STS1000 Series statik Transfer Pindah(110Vac / 220Vac) Öth;
1. Spésifikasi
1.Switch over between two power suppliers
2.Automatic Selection of batter supply
3.Switch over time less than 4s
4.Any two AC power supplies with sinusoidal output, high adaptability
5.Provide RS485 communication and Dry contact, support SNMP remote
Rak Gunung Telecom Inverter telecom kakuatan inverter
Single cut type UP-STS16S UP-STS25S UP-STS32S UP-STS40S UP-STS45S
Double cut type UP-STS16D UP-STS25D UP-STS32D UP-STS40D UP-STS45D
Phase Single Phase
kaluaran ayeuna 16Temp.Control Speed ​​Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran 25Temp.Control Speed ​​Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran 32Temp.Control Speed ​​Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran 40Temp.Control Speed ​​Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran 45Temp.Control Speed ​​Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran
Max allow current 18Temp.Control Speed ​​Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran 28Temp.Control Speed ​​Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran 35Temp.Control Speed ​​Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran 45Temp.Control Speed ​​Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran 50Temp.Control Speed ​​Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran
Input AC
AC Input voltage 110Vac / 220Vac
Input voltage range 90~130Vac@110Vac; 190~260Vac@220Vac
Tegangan kerja valid ±12%, mundur ± 5V
Frékuénsi 50Temp.Control Speed ​​Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran(set in factory)
Power off voltage 110V: ≤55Vac Or ≥135Vac,backlash±5V≤55Vac Or ≥135Vac,backlash±5V 220V: ≤190Vac Or ≥260Vac,backlash±5V≤190Vac Or ≥260Vac,mundur ± 5V
Power off frequency ≤45Hz or ≥65Hz,Pareum Tegangan = ± 0.2Hz
Temp.Control Speed ​​Numutkeun kapasitas kaluaran <4Ibu
kapasitas overload Load current is 110%, operating continuously
Load current> 110%, immediately shut-off;
Working Environment
Dielectric strength 2000Vac/10mA/60s
Humiditty 0%~90%, no moisture condensation
Work temperature -25℃~50℃
Suhu neundeun -40℃ ~ 70 ℃
Geuning(1m) <55dB
Size(mm) 482*44.5*343(1U)
Communitcation RS485/SNMP

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